Susan Russo Anderson
is a writer, a mother, a member of Sisters in Crime, a graduate of Marquette University. She's taught language arts and creative writing, worked for a publisher, an airline, an opera company. Like Faulkner's Dilsey, she's seen the best and the worst, the first and the last. Through it all, and to understand it somewhat, she writes.
It Started With ....
.... Too Quiet in Brooklyn, the first book in the Fina Fitzgibbons Brooklyn Mystery Series.
I'd lived in Brooklyn for over fourteen years and wanted to capture its essence. So I began to write—at first, just a few sentences. Then some characters introduced themselves to me. Now, eight years and eight books later, the characters are still with me. And the books? You can sample them on Amazon.
BTW, did you know that if you write 200 words a day, in one year you'll have written a full-length novel? If, of course, you string the words into a compelling plot.

“All the motives for murder are covered by four Ls: Love, Lust, Lucre and Loathing.”